Here is an overview of events in the region, laying out the key dates of legislation and the developments and permit applications that happened simultaniously.

October 2005
Treaty signed

Energy Community Treaty is signed by all countries of the Western Balkans. The Large Combustion Plants Directive is an integral part of the acquis communautaire on environment in Art. 16 of the Treaty.

July 2006
Treaty enters force

Energy Community Treaty enters into force

Financing for de-SOx at Ugljevik secured

A loan from Japan International Cooperation Agency was signed for the installation of desulphurisation equipment (de-SOx) at the Ugljevik coal power plant in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Financing for de-SOx at Nikola Tesla A secured

A loan from Japan International Cooperation Agency was signed for the installation of desulphurisation equipment (de-SOx) at the Nikola Tesla A coal power plant in Serbia

December 2011
Financing for de-SOx at Kostolac B secured

Loan from China Exim Bank signed for the installation of de-SOx equipment at Kostolac B power plant in Serbia

June 2015
Unpermitted construction works spotted

Construction works on the de-SOx facility at Kostolac B in Serbia are spotted by the local residents, although an environmental permit had not yet been granted to the project.

December 2015
NERP and opt-out list submission deadline

Deadline for countries to submit their National Emission Reduction Plans and Opt-out lists to the Energy Community Secretariat. A total of 17 coal power plants (38 units) are covered by these two mechanisms of complying with the LCPD.

September 2016
New contract signed at Ugljevik

A contract for installation of electrostatic precipitators at the Ugljevik power plant is signed, for reduction of dust emissions.

May 2017
Works on de-SOx at Ugljevik start

A ceremony is held in Ugljevik in Bosnia and Herzegovina, marking the beginning of works on the desulphurisation of the plant

July 2017
De-SOx works at Kostolac B finished

Finalisation of rehabilitation works and installation of de-SOx equipment at Kostolac B in Serbia

January 2018
LCPD enters into force

Deadline for implementation of Large Combustion plants Directive in all Energy Community countries

November 2018
Request for permit

Request for a construction permit for the de-SOx equipment at Kostolac B power plant submitted

December 2018
Request for permit at Kostolac B denied

Request for a construction permit for the de-SOx equipment at Kostolac B power plant rejected

January 2019
Request for permit at Kostolac B denied again

Request for a construction permit for the de-SOx equipment at Kostolac B power plant rejected again

February 2019
Works on de-SOx at Nikola Tesla start
Works begin on the de-SOx equipment installation at Nikola Tesla A power plant in Serbia.
November 2019
Financing secured at Kosova B
Financing agreement signed for reduction of dust and NOx emissions at Kosova B coal power plant
December 2019
Test operations at Ugljevik de-SOx
Test operations begin at the Ugljevik power plant’s de-SOx in Bosnia and Herzegovina
December 2019
Public consultation for de-SOx at Kostolac B
Public consultation for the updated Environmental Impact Assessment report of the already built desulphurisation unit at Kostolac B is launched, at the power plant operator’s request
February 2020
Technical problems
Technical problems reported at the Ugljevik de-SOx
June 2020
Contract signed at Pljevlja
A contract for rehabilitation works at the Pljevlja coal power plant in Montenegro was signed, expected to bring the emissions in line with the EU’s 2017 LCP BREF limit values for existing power plants by 2023.
February 2021
Consultant sought for Ugljevik permitting
Elektroprivreda Republike Srpske, the operator of Ugljevik coal power plant, announces it is seeking a consultant for obtaining the operating permit for the de-SOx equipment
March 2021
Pljevlja officially runs out of operating hours
Montenegro submits an official report to the European Environment Agency that by the end of 2020, the Pljevlja plant had used up more than its allocated 20,000 hours under its opt-out.
March 2021
LCPD dispute settlement cases initiated

Energy Community Secretariat opens dispute settlement cases against Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia and Serbia due to the breaches of the NERP pollution limits.

April 2021
Montenegro investigated over breaching opt-out regime

The Energy Community Secretariat opens a dispute settlement case against Montenegro in April 2021, for operating the Pljevlja coal plant beyond the 20,000 hours allowed under the opt-out regime

December 2021 - January 2022
Coal plant failures hit the region hard

Coal supply shortages and plant failures at Bitola, Nikola Tesla A and B, and Kosovo B power plants send the region into an energy crisis

February 2022
LCPD dispute settlement cases continue

The Energy Community Secretariat sent a Reasoned Opinion to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and North Macedonia, moving thus forward with the LCPD infringement case

March 2022
Coal units in FBiH get free ride to pollute more

The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s parliament votes to illegally extend the lifetime of the Tuzla 4 and Kakanj 5 coal power plants, beyond the 20,000 hours allowed under the opt-out regime

April 2022
Pljevlja rehabilitation works begin

Rehabilitation works at the Pljevlja power plant reportedly begin, with two years’ delay

April 2022
Pollution reduction projects at Serbian plants cancelled

Serbia’s state-owned energy company announces delays and cancellations of pollution control projects at its Nikola Tesla B2 and A1-A2 units

October 2022
Bosnia and Herzegovina investigated over breaching opt-out regime

The Energy Community Secretariat opens a dispute settlement case against Bosnia and Herzegovina in October 2022, for operating the Tuzla 4 and Kakanj 5 coal plants beyond the 20,000 hours allowed under the opt-out regime

November 2022
Serbian energy utility ordered to comply with SO2 limits

The Higher Court in Belgrade orders the state-owned energy utility Elektroprivreda Srbije to bring SO2 emissions from all its coal power plants into line with the NERP

December 2022
Bitola coal plant is issued an IPPC permit

After several failed attempts dating back to 2007, and 5 years after it should already have been compliant with pollution legislation, the Bitola power plant is finally issued an IPPC permit laying down its obligations and a timeline for investments in pollution control

January 2023
de-SOx installation at Kostolac permitted

Kostolac B finally obtains the operating permit for its de-SOx installation, after several failed applications beginning in  October 2020

February 2023

The Energy Community Secretariat issues a reasoned opinion against Montenegro for continuing to operate the Pljevlja power plant beyond the 20,000 hours allowed under the opt-out regime.

July 2023

The Energy Community Secretariat sent a reasoned request to the Ministerial Council in the case of Montenegro’s breach of the opt-out derogation in the case Pljevlja. An opinion from the Energy Community Advisory Committee is currently pending before the Ministerial Council can take a decision to confirm the breach.

March 2023

It is reported that the equipment for Pljevlja’s rehabilitation is about to arrive from China.

May 2023

People from the Nadinići area, near Gacko power plant hold a protest due to the high levels of  pollution.

June 2023

 Deadline for all Western Balkan countries to submit their National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) to the Energy Community Secretariat. All except North Macedonia fail to meet it.

July 2023

The Energy Community Secretariat takes further steps in the dispute settlement procedure it initiated in 2021 against BiH, KOS, NMK and SRB for their NERP breaches in 2021, making a reasoned request to the Energy Community Ministerial Council to make decisions on the cases.

October 2023

The Energy Community Secretariat opens a dispute settlement mechanism against Serbia, for operating the Morava power plant beyond its permitted 20,000 hours.

December 2023

The deadline for implementing the 20,000 hours derogation expires.

December 2023

The Ministerial Council of the Energy Community finds Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, and North Macedonia in breach of the Treaty over the NERP ceiling breaches.

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